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Looking for a change?

Our Broker, JT Hardcastle, often tells the story about his first commission check he earned while selling a house.  It was an $8,000 commission....but he only took home $2,100 of it!  He was dumbfounded! Yes, he was with one of the large brokerages in the area and also on a team, but he quickly knew he needed to find a different opportunity if real estate was going to be in his future.  But nothing out there fit what he was looking for so he went and created it....The Real Estate Project!  

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Type of Realtors We Are Looking For



  • Has a heart for their city and wants to see it flourish


  • Tired of the large broker splits and want to control more of their hard earned money


  • Understands the service not sales model of business


  • Doesn't need office space


  • Has 2 years or more of experience

     *exceptions can be made for less experienced agents



"There must be something better we can do with this money!?!" was a consistent thought for JT.  The majority of Realtors he ran into were spending a large sum of money on broker splits, mass advertising, and office space. He thought, "what if we reallocated that money to serve the greater good of our communities?"  So he started to give up to 25% of his earned commission away to local non-profits and his business took off!  Since 2012, The Real Estate Project has given away over $330,000 to 60+ different non-profits right here in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex as they've helped 100's of people with their real estate needs.  


JT wanted other like minded Realtors to experience the joy of being invested in their local community so he turned The Real Estate Project into a brokerage with the hopes of encouraging others Realtors with this philanthropic model of real estate.  We are always looking for more Realtors to join us as we invest in the peace and prosperity of our local communities.  Please consider joining us today!

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